Saturday, September 3, 2022

IS101 - First Impression

IS101 is a complex class. I took computer services in my freshman year of high school and really have not touched up on my skills since then. I feel like I can get the hang of it soon though, with the guidance of my peers and professor. It is my first year of college and it already is stressful, but I am excited about what is to come for my future and just breezing through the ebbs and flows of it.


  1. First year of college is always stressful, but that feeling goes away once you get into your groove of things. I'm sure you'll do great in this class.

  2. IS101 Introduction to Information Systems involves much computer-based hands-on work and learning digital literacy concepts and practices. Guidance from your peers and professor will help but your own follow through and proactive communication will be the larger factors for your success :-)

    Yes, first year of college is often stressful for students. Be strong and adaptive and you will not only survive but thrive!

    Welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022, Shantell ^_^

  3. I am excited for you! I am finishing my first year of college myself. It is definitely not easy but with good organization you will get through it like nothing. Advice from someone that has been through it; do not bite off more than you can chew.

  4. Make the first year the best, stress will come and go. Everyone in class is here to help. Just reach out.

  5. Computers will undoubtedly be the trend and tide of future development. Nothing can be done without the help of a computer. We should be fortunate because we choose the right direction of learning.

  6. Hi Shantell, Yes, IS101-3012 is a complex class, but I know you'll do great. Many adjustments have to be made in the first year of college, therefore stress. You'll learn time management skills as you go along and in no time, you'll be past the stress. Good luck in the class!

  7. There are many adjustments that need to be made when starting college, but those adjustments will continue to help us throughout our life. This class for sure more complexed than any other class. The good thing is that we have a professor that is helping us as much as possible. This semester will be a great semester.

  8. IS101 may be complex but in due time you will get the hang of it and it will be a breeze in the park for you as you progress in this semester. You will get through this semester and pass with flying colors.

  9. The first year of college is definitely the hardest part.

  10. Hi Shantell, I know first year of college is stressful but you have to be constant and committed to your studies. People who are constant achieve their goals beyond difficulties.

  11. Congratulation's on making it to college. I remember my first day, I didn't know what to expect but I gave it my all and was one of the out performing student in welding class. Good luck

  12. I am anxious, though this class is helping turn my anxiety into excitement. I want to learn how to surf on that the ebbs and flows of my life.

  13. Although you haven't touched up on your skills in some time, it's great that you have been introduced to similar concepts during high school. My first year in college was stressful as well, and having to do online schooling because of the pandemic made it even harder.

  14. Congratulations on beginning your college career! I also started my first year this past Spring, I'm rooting for us both.

  15. I remember my first year of college, many years ago. It was a big change even after coming out the military. Looking back I wish I would have taken it a bit more seriously, but I survived it and you will too. Just stay focused and take each class one day at a time and it will be done before you know it.

  16. This is my first semester of college as well, and like everyone else, I'm a little anxious too. But don't worry, you got this; if you can get over other challenges, you can definitely get past this one.

  17. This is also my first year of college too and it is stressful. I'm making it through and I believe you can get the hang of this class too.

  18. I remember my first year it does get stressful at times, but just keep moving forward and don't give up.
