Sunday, September 11, 2022

Let's Talk Quizzes!

 We had a Bonus Quiz in my IS101 class. Maybe I was not fully prepared but I studied a few of the materials a few nights back and also again the day before. I know next time to probably use flashcards and jot down the most crucial and important details so I won't stress as much during the next quiz. I know better next time and I hope I am able to succeed! That is my lesson learned.


  1. Good lesson learned!

    Managing the stress of facing a quiz is an excellent start :-)

    Memorizing the materials is only part of the recipe for success.

    One must be able to fully and correctly evaluate what the question/scenario is asking for and articulate the answers accordingly. You will do better on future bonus quizzes, Shantell ^_^

  2. I studied a few of the materials as well but I ended up completely having a brain fart during the quiz. I had a small thought the night before that I should probably be memorizing stuff like but it just slipped my mind.

  3. Last week, I put off studying this class and just worked on the labsim and my english papers

  4. I know what you mean. I read over the quiz information prior to and memorized the websites, but when it came to the quiz, I blanked out. I have to retrain my brain to slow down and stop overthinking everything.

  5. Its a good thing I try to print things out cause having a hard copy in my hand works better for me. I also try to take fake test to where i write things down to help me remember things.

  6. Yes, stress can make you overthink the information you know and makes you doubt yourself. You will do great on your next quiz.

  7. You will succeed! Now that we know what Mr. Wu expects, we will all do better on the upcoming bonus quizzes.

  8. You will get better at studying for IS101 Bonus Quizzes and you will succeed this semester in all of your classes. There is always next class to pass a Bonus Quiz!

  9. We have this next time, Shantell. I definitely over thought this last quiz.

  10. Thanks for sharing. Since it's a bonus test, we shouldn't stress too much. Just try to accomplish your goals!

  11. Flashcard skills are something I never got the hang of, what other study tips do you guys use?

  12. Excellent Idea with the flash cards, I may have to start that myself.

  13. Excellent advice with the flash cards! You will always improve in each quiz you take.

  14. Flashcards are a good idea. Don't stress too much since it's just a bonus quiz.

  15. Great strategy. I wasn't full prepared or that second quiz either. Going forward I can see where i need to improve and strengthen my efforts.

  16. Learning from previous experiences is usually beneficial, in this case the Bonus Quizzes. I always take notes on the feedback the professor gives us, but if you don't take the time to review the Bonus Quiz before it is delivered, it will be even harder.

  17. I need to manage my time better, because I have yet to take a bonus quiz as I am always arriving to class too late.

  18. Flashcards will definitely help, have you tried making a quizlet?

  19. I'm sure you'll do better moving forward!
