Monday, September 19, 2022

Let's Read!

I recently started reading novels again. Now, I am an avid reader myself but it has been a long time since I have even picked up a book. The book I am currently reading is named "It Ends With Us" by Colleen Hoover. Supposedly, it is a tear-jerker novel. In my middle school years, I was able to read 4-5 books a day. I really am into horror, romance, and mystery novels. Do you prefer reading the book before watching the film or watching the film and then reading the book? A hard decision, and the most well-known debate. Reading the book then watching the film is more my style. I hope to read more interesting books in the future!


  1. Able to read 4-5 books a day?

    I never gotten into the habit of reading.

    This article is making me reconsider:

  2. Four to five books a day is an impressive feat! I personally prefer to watch the movie and skip the book.

  3. I am just like you Professor not into reading. I really don't watch movies that much either. Someone called me old cause my TV is usually on to news or car stuff. I do wish I did get into reading when I was a kid though. 4-5 books a day very impressive.

  4. There are three course books I am reading right now and I will be adding two more in a few weeks for my 8w2 classes. That is enough reading for me to last the rest of the year. (Laughing hysterically) I like to read but with school now, I'm lucky if I can watch a movie. Since school started, I have gone 4 months without turning on my television. Crazy right? Generally, I do read a book before watching the movie. I like to compare the differences in scenes vs. chapters.

  5. When was the last time you read a book? There is no doubt that reading is an invaluable activity. But the habit of reading is on the decline. Most people claim they don't have time to read. But the average person watches more than two hours of television. Reading is a kind of mental training, which is as important as physical exercise.

  6. I used to be able to read so many books back in middle school too! Now, I don't even wanna pick up a book... especially a textbook, but recent events in my life have motivated me to at least get into novels to stimulate my brain. I prefer watching the movie before reading the book because I want to fully capture the details and relive THEE experience since movies tend to leave out a lot of stuff.

  7. I have not picked up a book since Jaws came out in the 70's. I have a tough enough time reading the textbooks. I admire anyone who can pick up a book and read it from beginning to end. Keep it going.

  8. I am also reading a book, Shantell. It is not my thing but it's a short one. I might post about it next.

  9. My favorite author is John Grisham, I enjoy reading his books. If I enjoy a movie and want to learn more, I'll read the book as well. The book you mentioned was read by my wife, and judging by the looks on her face, it stirred up a lot of emotions.

  10. The last book I read was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when it first released. Reading 4-5 books in a day is a chore.

  11. I built the habit of read at least one book per week. But able to read 4 or 5 books a day is too much for me. I prefer read and then watch the film. :)

  12. To be honest the only time I read is when I am studying for one of my classes. I am not a strong reader and being Dyslexic and ADHD which makes reading last way longer than it needs to.

  13. Reading four to five books a day is impressive.

  14. I'm not that into reading, but if I do happen to stumble upon a book that catches my attention it is hard for me to put it down. I do tend to lead more towards science fiction and maybe a little fantasy. As far as movie vs book, I am kind of on the fence. I see it as a case by case argument, point in case is the book "Ender's Game" was a whole lot better than the movie, actually now that I think about it I may be more on the books are better than movies side cause "IT" the book was way better than both versions of the movie.

  15. I prefer to read the book then see the movie adaptation the comparison and analysis can be fun.

  16. Very impressive. I also love to read, mostly inspirational/self help books though. I haven't read a tear-jerking book in quite awhile.

  17. I personally love to read, I hope the book your reading inspires you to pick up more!

  18. I never got in the habit of reading books. I don't think I've read a book since high school. I do want to get in a habit of reading books, just haven't had a chance to.

  19. Since the movie is more detailed and visual than the book, I really like to read the book first. This way, if I missed any of the good parts of the book, I can catch them up on the movie.
