Monday, September 26, 2022

1.2.10 Social Media Facts

How has social media evolved and how relevant are these social medias still?

In 1.2.10 it explains that Facebook is the world's most popular social networking platform. Well, with new social media like Snapchat and TikTok does that still ring true?

I feel as though Facebook is still relevant among millennials and Gen X. Being included in Gen Z, Instagram and TikTok are the most popular networking platforms for my generation. Twitter is still very common, I usually see a lot of memes there and debates. There is more cyber warfare on Twitter. I actually have never used a LinkedIn. Although, I have heard of it! 

I do not think I would necessarily use it either. Instagram is still pretty popular and remains popular after all these years. In the future, will the new social medias end up being replaced with the next big thing? We are always creating new apps and technology in society. How long will it be until we have the next big social media breakthrough?


  1. I'm curious about the answer to your first question so I did a quick Google search for "What is the most popular social media 2022?"

    Here is the answer:

    I'm also curious to see the answer play out to your final question :-)

  2. I hope that more platforms will become available. People need various platforms to be heard, seen etc... I have heard of have never been on it. Have to look into it. Thanks for the information.

  3. I was never a big fan of Facebook, but I use Instagram and TikTok. I’m also curious to see what the next big social media breakthrough will be.

  4. I think TikTok has the largest share of viewers Instagram is playing catch up

  5. Its crazy how people become famous and rich from these platform. I was watching a story on this college girl made $39,000 in six weeks then made $66,000 in six months and before she even finish her first year of college her next check was over a million dollars. Now she posts videos every 5mins cause that's how she gets paid and that's from snapchat.

  6. I feel like every generation or two a new platform will emerge for the upcoming users, like how Millennials/Gen X use FB, and Gen Z/Gen Alpha use IG and TikTok. Give it a few years, something new will pop up.

  7. Facebook is definitely up there. Even though Facebook has been in a lot of questionable scandals, I don't think it will die out because of how easy it is to be able to access social activity with long distance family. I'm curious to know what the next social media breakthrough is because we basically have everything! I hope it relates to music.

  8. Well well well, I think the next big breakthrough in social media is talking to people in real life, phones and websites will be shut down by governing bodies that we don't have control over. Unless anyone here has a different outlook. In the current time, I think that the best social media, is actual meetings with people and not talking online.

  9. Your article really got me thinking! As you say, what is the next era going to be like?

  10. It is good to have social media and all, but at what cost? Over the years, we've lost our face to face connections, for many, social media friends are not even people they actually know. I was connected to social media since MySpace first started, then Facebook came along. I had SnapChat, Pinterest, and Instagram. I'm happy to say that I deleted all my accounts and returned to face to face interaction. For me, it feels more meaningful than online does.

  11. The only reason I am on social media is to stay in contact with old friends. I rarely post anything. The last thing I posted was around 4 years ago.

  12. hmm, there is an opening... that I can see... on one hand do I make the new social media platform that can unify all groups into one mega super media and call it MSM multi-social media with self filtrating sections to connect one your age and demographic with the ability to surf on the same web page? On the other hand... That's a lot of work. Nah, I think ill stick with my stance and not care about social media outside of LinkedIn because it can net you money.

  13. I feel like every new generation will have a new platform for new users and people from previous generations will stick with their social platform or move on to the new one.

  14. I can not wait to see what social media platform is next. I use Instagram the most.

  15. As I get older, I see myself using social media less and less. I think its best used for marketing and promotion of a business.

  16. I'm sure that something new will appear soon, I however feel that most of these apps are starting to become redundant.

  17. They're so many different social media platforms; my favorite has to be Instagram. I'm looking forward to what's next.

  18. I fully agree with you. I use social media, but I've never used Facebook or Twitter. I use Instagram and Snapchat. That, in my opinion, is due to who appears to share it the most and makes it become more influential among their generation.

  19. Awesome read. This is going to be an interesting blog page by all standards. I will be a regular reader for sure.
