Wednesday, October 5, 2022

2.2.4 Common Operating Systems

 I chose this topic because it stood out to me the most. As I was reading through the lab, I saw something called Linux. What is Linux? I am very familiar with iOS, Android, Windows, and Apple. I decided to take the time to research what Linux was. Apparently, it is a popular operating system that manages our memory and storage. Linux is used mostly by companies and businesses, it is secure and amazing for their servers. IT professionals also recommend Linux. Chromebooks use Linux and Android devices as well. Linux was created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, way later than Microsoft Windows which was created in the 1980s. I thought the only operating systems were Windows, iOS, Apple, and Android. I have a laptop that runs Windows 11, so maybe Linux is in my device as well. Researching about the topic made me wonder what else do we use that runs Linux.


  1. Linux is a free and open-source UNIX-like operating system. The operating system's kernel was first released by Linus Torvalds on October 5, 1991, along with user-space applications, to become the Linux operating system. Linux is also the best-known example of free and open-source software evolution.

  2. Glad you learned about Linux :-)

    Along with Linux, ChromeOS (running Chromebooks) is another computer operating system on the consumer market today.

    Different OS run different sizes of hardware: Windows, MacOS, Linux, and ChromeOS run desktops/laptops while iOS and Android run mobile smartphones.

    To see what runs mainframes and supercomputers, check out UNIX ^_^

  3. I've been a windows guy since 98 I wonder what the other side is like.

  4. Great information. I never heard about Linus. Will look into it in the future.

  5. Android is ran on Linux kernel. I remember reading an article stating that about 85% of cell phones operate on Linux and if I remember correctly, Google has a big part of that when it comes to their phones.

  6. Ya I never heard of Linux before until this class. After seeing Silvia's response I am kind of shocked.

  7. The information in your post is very clear. Linux was something I wasn’t as familiar with as well.

  8. Great information. I've only heard of Linux but never tried it before.

  9. With the above mentioned types of operating systems, MS-DOS is also a type of operating system that is the oldest of all the others. We would not have any of the other operating systems, had it not started from MS-DOS. I have read a few previous post and comments, it seems that none of the other students have mentioned this. I feel that it is important to at least acknowledge it, that's all.

    1. Good ole' diskette operating system (DOS), that was the first operating system I learned ^_^

      I still use some its commands via the command prompt :-)

  10. I've heard of Linux but never cared to look into what it was. This was very insightful. I am glad to have more knowledge on this that I may possibly run into in the future.

  11. I have heard of the numerous other Operating Systems such as iOS, Linux, and Gentoo. However, I have not applied any use of any systems beside Windows because compatibility with games is lacking.

  12. I've heard of Linux however never really dug into it.

  13. I have never heard of Linux before this class. I commend you for taking the time to research something new and sharing it with our class.

  14. I like how Linux is associated with a penguin. I've never looked into it up to this moment, but I can now distinguish it due to the appearance of the logo.

  15. Great Information. Also a fun fact the precursor to Linux is UNIX.

  16. So many operating systems. It's amazing

  17. That's pretty interesting, thanks for sharing the information you took the time to research I also am not familiar with Linux.

  18. Now that you've said that practically all devices run Linux, I'm also intrigued about other ways we might be able to use it.

  19. Thank you for the information. I had no idea what Linux was until now.

  20. I had heard of Linux but never had any real hands-on experience, over the years I knew people that preferred Linux over Windows due to the ease of usage (if you knew what you were doing) and the capability to do things that aren't possible or as easy to do on Windows.
