Thursday, October 20, 2022

Overwhelming Schedules

Recently, I have been so busy with work and school that I hardly have any time for myself. Because the holidays are coming up, I am working extra shifts at my job. This leaves me hardly any time to do homework and going home late. Due to lack of sleep, I am unable to focus in my classes. I am trying my best to keep up but unfortunately it is a challenge for me. I eventually hope things get easier for me and hopefully my mental health fixes, little by little. I think this is my reminder to just take a breath and what will, will.


  1. Breathe Shantell :-)

    Be realistic with your time allocation. There are only 24 hours in a day and often sleep is the first casualty.

    Maybe decline an extra shift to catch up on sleep ^_^

  2. Sleep and Final Fantasy XIV were the first things that went out the door when I started this semester. Most nights I go to sleep at 3 or 4 am while doing the various workloads of class not to mention bills require a steady income as they do not take a vacation.

  3. Please do, the mind needs rest as well as the body.

  4. Hope things get easier for you! I realized that over time, things don't get easier - they're more tolerable. For example, I used to go right back to sleep after missing my school alarm, but now I found a couple tricks to get me up. Wanting to grow up fast is one of my most regrettable wishes as a child, hands down !!!!!

  5. After work, many people like to rest at home because the time at home is at our disposal.

  6. It's ok to take time for yourself sometimes. The work will always be there, let someone else pick up an extra shift so you can rest.

  7. I would definitely take a day for yourself. Gifting isn't always all that important especially if it is taking a toll on your mental health.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I can feel the pressure! I was in your shoes once! But believe in yourself! You can do it!

  10. I have also been struggling with work and school lately. Its more of work is getting super busy cause all these company parties and special events. I haven't been able to keep up with my studies. All we can do is give it our best and try to make it work. Stay focus we will get through this.

  11. Schedules can become overwhelming. In reality though, life does not require a person to multi-task such many endeavors. Completing a single task at a time will gain much better results, rather than trying to complete multiple things at once.

  12. The majority of us have found this semester to be quite difficult. It's so astonish that we are keeping a positive attitude and continue moving forward.

  13. Please remember to breath and take a step back and focus on catching up on sleep. Schedules are not absolutes, sometimes things happen out of our control, you should try to only worry about what you can control.

  14. Always take time for yourself. Without it everything comes crashing down. Stay positive and everything will be just fine.
