Monday, September 26, 2022

1.2.10 Social Media Facts

How has social media evolved and how relevant are these social medias still?

In 1.2.10 it explains that Facebook is the world's most popular social networking platform. Well, with new social media like Snapchat and TikTok does that still ring true?

I feel as though Facebook is still relevant among millennials and Gen X. Being included in Gen Z, Instagram and TikTok are the most popular networking platforms for my generation. Twitter is still very common, I usually see a lot of memes there and debates. There is more cyber warfare on Twitter. I actually have never used a LinkedIn. Although, I have heard of it! 

I do not think I would necessarily use it either. Instagram is still pretty popular and remains popular after all these years. In the future, will the new social medias end up being replaced with the next big thing? We are always creating new apps and technology in society. How long will it be until we have the next big social media breakthrough?

Monday, September 19, 2022

Let's Read!

I recently started reading novels again. Now, I am an avid reader myself but it has been a long time since I have even picked up a book. The book I am currently reading is named "It Ends With Us" by Colleen Hoover. Supposedly, it is a tear-jerker novel. In my middle school years, I was able to read 4-5 books a day. I really am into horror, romance, and mystery novels. Do you prefer reading the book before watching the film or watching the film and then reading the book? A hard decision, and the most well-known debate. Reading the book then watching the film is more my style. I hope to read more interesting books in the future!

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Let's Talk Quizzes!

 We had a Bonus Quiz in my IS101 class. Maybe I was not fully prepared but I studied a few of the materials a few nights back and also again the day before. I know next time to probably use flashcards and jot down the most crucial and important details so I won't stress as much during the next quiz. I know better next time and I hope I am able to succeed! That is my lesson learned.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

IS101 - First Impression

IS101 is a complex class. I took computer services in my freshman year of high school and really have not touched up on my skills since then. I feel like I can get the hang of it soon though, with the guidance of my peers and professor. It is my first year of college and it already is stressful, but I am excited about what is to come for my future and just breezing through the ebbs and flows of it.